You walk through a forest. Life surrounds you. You are immersed in it.
Huge Trees are all around. Trees wider than a doorway across the trunk, tall as ten one-story houses. Trees tall as 20 houses that a family of bears can hide behind. Trees a small cabin can hide behind.
The Trees talk to each other, through the roots and through the air by smell, as they create the forest out of thin air, dirt, water and sunshine. Millions upon millions of tiny animals far smaller than ants care for the soil, providing for the Trees. Green is everywhere, on the ground and on the mossy bark of the Trees.
The forest canopy is lush, beautifully ragged and goes on, seemingly forever.
And you can visit.
For real!
For these are our real Forests. And the Trees really do send smell-messages to each other, and the tiny soil animals- Nematodes, 'Water Bears', Rotifers- really exist.
Welcome to the Old-Growth Temperate Rainforest.
Welcome to the real world- the REAL real world.
Come see how much of this is all around us, on a smaller scale, right in our own backyards.
See the forests we have saved, and how we are doing more every year.
See what life is REALLY like.
For all of this and more, read Big Trees, Epic Life: Life in the Temperate Rainforest, free to view or download as a text (txt) file on my website,, or just google "davidannfreestories', all one word.
And search 'Temperate Rainforests' for more on the Internet- especially pictures.
Gorgeous pictures!
Have fun!
David S. Annderson