Sunday, February 2, 2014

        Awww, cute... a bear that's gonna eat me!

     Just an observation, but isn't it odd that bears can be so cute and yet they can eat you?  Though from what I hear, they prefer to just chase us up a tree!

     Not that it would be so bad to be eaten, if I were eaten by someone nice... not a bad way to go- so I would still take a chance to see a cute, man-eating bear!
     It would be the experience of a lifetime!

     And if I was yummy, oh well- they're just puppy-dogs as big as a car, right?

     As long as YOU don't get eaten!

     just a few thoughts.

          David S. Annderson

For more from me, go to my main website at, or just google "davidannfreestories", all one word.

     Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. by the way... this came spontaneously out of the fact that 'bear' is right next to 'blogger' on Firefox!
    Feel free to comment!
